
& concentrates

To face the current and future demands for fresh water and water reuse, sustainable desalination of seawater, groundwater and wastewater is required. Wetsus focuses on research and development of innovative, sustainable and cost-effective desalination technologies that are complementary or substitutionary to state-of-the-art thermal or membrane desalination techniques. These new technologies can be incorporated in closed-loop schemes for water treatment schemes or mineral extraction.

Key aspects the PhD projects contribute to are (i) low impact desalination (energy and chemical use), (ii) specific removal of ions that limit downstream processing or water reuse, (iii) recovery of water and/or valuable organics and inorganics from (saline) waste water, and (iv) brine treatment towards zero liquid discharge. Several new approaches based on various know-how disciplines are being studied by Wetsus. Technologies include capacitive deionization, electrodialysis, nanofiltration, extraction, and crystallization. Fields like electrochemistry, crystallization, membrane separation, extraction and adsorption are combined in the research projects. 

Team members

Research staff
Louis de Smet

Louis de Smet

Senior advisor
Daniele Chinello

Daniele Chinello

PhD Researcher
Xiao Zhang

Xiao Zhang

PhD Researcher
Kecen Li

Kecen Li

PhD Researcher

Hanieh Geranikolahlooei

PhD Researcher

Research documents

Research partners